August 2015 Therapeutic Recreation Events
Scroll down to view events for children and adolescents,
followed by those for young adults and adults.
Scroll down to view events for children and adolescents,
followed by those for young adults and adults.
Events for Youth

BOYS' Video Gamers Night
Do you have a son who loves to play video games? Do you wish that he would get out and get social instead? ASPIRE Center is offering the best of both worlds by turning this solo activity into a social one at our BOYS' Video Gamers Night! This therapeutic recreation event will provide the opportunity for boys to participate in one of their favorite activities AND practice their friendship skills at the same time. Mutual video game interest will be used as a bridge to practice conversational skills.
10-14 years old
Monday, August 10, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Farm"
63 Old East Neck Road
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Breanna Masi, MS
Do you have a son who loves to play video games? Do you wish that he would get out and get social instead? ASPIRE Center is offering the best of both worlds by turning this solo activity into a social one at our BOYS' Video Gamers Night! This therapeutic recreation event will provide the opportunity for boys to participate in one of their favorite activities AND practice their friendship skills at the same time. Mutual video game interest will be used as a bridge to practice conversational skills.
10-14 years old
Monday, August 10, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Farm"
63 Old East Neck Road
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Breanna Masi, MS

ASPIRE Goes to the 'Big Screen'!!!
Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust! What better way to learn about emotion identification than to watch it on the BIG SCREEN! Join us as we head to the movies for an afternoon of learning and fun! This event involves practicing expected behaviors in a public setting, as well as learning important characteristics of emotions - all during a trip to the movies! A discussion will be held after the movie is over to share impressions and highlight key take-home concepts.
9-14 years old
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Regal Cinemas Deer Park 16
455 Commack Road
Deer Park, NY 11729
Recreation Fee:
*Includes ticket only; Participants will be responsible for purchasing snacks and/or beverages.
Nicole Wallace, LMSW
Breanna Masi, MS
Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust! What better way to learn about emotion identification than to watch it on the BIG SCREEN! Join us as we head to the movies for an afternoon of learning and fun! This event involves practicing expected behaviors in a public setting, as well as learning important characteristics of emotions - all during a trip to the movies! A discussion will be held after the movie is over to share impressions and highlight key take-home concepts.
9-14 years old
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Regal Cinemas Deer Park 16
455 Commack Road
Deer Park, NY 11729
Recreation Fee:
*Includes ticket only; Participants will be responsible for purchasing snacks and/or beverages.
Nicole Wallace, LMSW
Breanna Masi, MS

Join is for for a Summer Send-Off BBQ!
Have fun with friends and meet new people...
Build and practice skills in conversation and socialization!
Traditional BBQ fare will be served (food and beverage options for all).
Friday, August 21st from 6:00pm-7:30pm
*ASPIRE Center*
63 Old East Neck Road, Melville, NY
Recreation fee: $30.00
Join is for for a Summer Send-Off BBQ!
Have fun with friends and meet new people...
Build and practice skills in conversation and socialization!
Traditional BBQ fare will be served (food and beverage options for all).
Friday, August 21st from 6:00pm-7:30pm
*ASPIRE Center*
63 Old East Neck Road, Melville, NY
Recreation fee: $30.00

Movie and Snacks Hangout Night
Have you ever had a terrible day, when it seemed like nothing but bad things happened to you? That is exactly what it felt like for Alexander and his family! Join us for a night in to watch Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! Of course, no movie is complete without POPCORN! This event is structured to provide a social forum that encourages learning about emotion identification and regulation. A post-movie discussion will be held to share thoughts and experiences.
7-11 years old
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
ASPIRE Center -"The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Alisa Sandler, MS, CCC-SLP
Have you ever had a terrible day, when it seemed like nothing but bad things happened to you? That is exactly what it felt like for Alexander and his family! Join us for a night in to watch Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! Of course, no movie is complete without POPCORN! This event is structured to provide a social forum that encourages learning about emotion identification and regulation. A post-movie discussion will be held to share thoughts and experiences.
7-11 years old
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
ASPIRE Center -"The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Alisa Sandler, MS, CCC-SLP

Girls' Glamour Night
Let's get done-up! We are holding a get-together to share great hair styles, paint our nails, and put on some make-up! Once everyone is looking FABULOUS, we will chat over some delicious pizza! This event will be filled with sleepover-like activities and opportunities to socialize with peers, in a supportive setting that does not require an entire night away from home!
11-15 years old
Monday, August 17 2015
ASPIRE Center -"The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Breanna Masi, MS
Let's get done-up! We are holding a get-together to share great hair styles, paint our nails, and put on some make-up! Once everyone is looking FABULOUS, we will chat over some delicious pizza! This event will be filled with sleepover-like activities and opportunities to socialize with peers, in a supportive setting that does not require an entire night away from home!
11-15 years old
Monday, August 17 2015
ASPIRE Center -"The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Breanna Masi, MS

Teens Go Bowling
Time for a trip to the Plainview AMF Bowling Lanes for a 2-hour recreational outing! Teens will have unlimited bowling and pizza for 2-hours, which will give them time to engage with peers in a fun and supportive social environment.
*Please provide your child with spending money if he or she would like to purchase additional food or beverages.
13-18 years old
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Plainview AMF Bowling Lanes
500 Old Bethpage Road
Plainview, NY 11803
Recreation Fee:
Nicole Wallace, LMSW
Time for a trip to the Plainview AMF Bowling Lanes for a 2-hour recreational outing! Teens will have unlimited bowling and pizza for 2-hours, which will give them time to engage with peers in a fun and supportive social environment.
*Please provide your child with spending money if he or she would like to purchase additional food or beverages.
13-18 years old
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Plainview AMF Bowling Lanes
500 Old Bethpage Road
Plainview, NY 11803
Recreation Fee:
Nicole Wallace, LMSW

ASPIRE's Book Share Circle
Who loves to read? We sure do! At our Book Share Circle, tweens and teens are invited to connect through participation in a facilitated discussion. They will have the opportunity to share their favorite books and exchange reading suggestions with other book worms!
*Participants should bring one of their favorite books to the event and, beforehand, choose a short excerpt they would like to share with the group.
10-14 years old
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Farm"
63 Old East Neck Road
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Alisa Sandler, MS, CCC-SLP
Who loves to read? We sure do! At our Book Share Circle, tweens and teens are invited to connect through participation in a facilitated discussion. They will have the opportunity to share their favorite books and exchange reading suggestions with other book worms!
*Participants should bring one of their favorite books to the event and, beforehand, choose a short excerpt they would like to share with the group.
10-14 years old
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Farm"
63 Old East Neck Road
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Alisa Sandler, MS, CCC-SLP

Improv Theater and Pizza Night
Calling the theater crowd! Teens will spend the night partaking in fun and inspiring improvisational games that go beyond showcasing talent to build upon skills that we use every day. Social development will be targeted through entertaining games that focus on quick-thinking, initiating scenes with fellow improvisers, and working "off-script." Pizza will be served as interests and experiences are discussed!
13-18 years old
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Samantha Maietta, LMSW
Calling the theater crowd! Teens will spend the night partaking in fun and inspiring improvisational games that go beyond showcasing talent to build upon skills that we use every day. Social development will be targeted through entertaining games that focus on quick-thinking, initiating scenes with fellow improvisers, and working "off-script." Pizza will be served as interests and experiences are discussed!
13-18 years old
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Samantha Maietta, LMSW
Teen Artists: Evening of Painting
Casual painters and aspiring artists alike may come together to channel creativity and use art as a means of personal expression (or just fun!). Teens will be provided with a unique opportunity to socialize while being offered the option of following step-by-step instructions for painting a beautiful masterpiece. No experience necessary!
13-18 years old
Tuesday, August 27, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Includes cost of materials
Samantha Maietta, LMSW
Casual painters and aspiring artists alike may come together to channel creativity and use art as a means of personal expression (or just fun!). Teens will be provided with a unique opportunity to socialize while being offered the option of following step-by-step instructions for painting a beautiful masterpiece. No experience necessary!
13-18 years old
Tuesday, August 27, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Includes cost of materials
Samantha Maietta, LMSW
Superhero fans unite! Children are invited to join us for an evening of superhero-centric fun and learning. Each participant will create his or her own unique superhero, complete with a beautifully decorated mask and cape. This event will incorporate socialization with fellow superheroes while comparing super powers among our impressive 'superteam'!
6-11 years old
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Includes cost of materials
Samantha Maietta, LMSW
Superhero fans unite! Children are invited to join us for an evening of superhero-centric fun and learning. Each participant will create his or her own unique superhero, complete with a beautifully decorated mask and cape. This event will incorporate socialization with fellow superheroes while comparing super powers among our impressive 'superteam'!
6-11 years old
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
ASPIRE Center - "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Recreation Fee:
Includes cost of materials
Samantha Maietta, LMSW
Events for Young Adults and Adults

ATTENTION LADIES (20+ years old):
Join us for our next Monthly Women’s Social Brunch!
Come meet new friends and hang out with old ones... Practice conversation and socialization... Share stories, or just enjoy the food!
Saturday, August 29th
*ASPIRE's Garden Location*
2562 New York Avenue, Melville, NY 11747
Recreation fee: $35.00
Women who would like to participate in this social should be able to attend independently, engage in back-and-forth conversation, and be at least 19 years old.
Join us for our next Monthly Women’s Social Brunch!
Come meet new friends and hang out with old ones... Practice conversation and socialization... Share stories, or just enjoy the food!
Saturday, August 29th
*ASPIRE's Garden Location*
2562 New York Avenue, Melville, NY 11747
Recreation fee: $35.00
Women who would like to participate in this social should be able to attend independently, engage in back-and-forth conversation, and be at least 19 years old.

ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS (19-35 years old):
Join the ASPIRE Center team for a Summer send-off BBQ!
Have fun with friends and meet new people...
Build and practice skills in conversation and socialization!
Traditional BBQ fare will be served (food and beverage options for all).
Friday, August 28th
*ASPIRE Center*
63 Old East Neck Road, Melville, NY
Recreation fee: $35.00
Registration and payment must be received by Wednesday, 8/26
Join the ASPIRE Center team for a Summer send-off BBQ!
Have fun with friends and meet new people...
Build and practice skills in conversation and socialization!
Traditional BBQ fare will be served (food and beverage options for all).
Friday, August 28th
*ASPIRE Center*
63 Old East Neck Road, Melville, NY
Recreation fee: $35.00
Registration and payment must be received by Wednesday, 8/26
Music Night at ASPIRE
Join us for a night of music (and pizza)!
Bring your instruments to play, your voice to sing, and your favorite songs to share!
This event is geared towards young adults (19-35 years-old) who are able to partake in back-and-forth conversation and attend independently.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Recreation Fee: $35
Samantha L. Maietta, LMSW
"The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Join us for a night of music (and pizza)!
Bring your instruments to play, your voice to sing, and your favorite songs to share!
This event is geared towards young adults (19-35 years-old) who are able to partake in back-and-forth conversation and attend independently.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Recreation Fee: $35
Samantha L. Maietta, LMSW
"The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Dinner and Etiquette
Let's have some fun together while learning how to whip together a go-to meal and host a fabulous dinner event! This event is intended for young adults, ages 19-35, who are interested in learning how to make a simple, yet delicious dinner and dessert! We will be cooking Baked Ziti and Cupcakes, and then sitting down to enjoy the meal while learning about expected dinner etiquette.
*Participants should be able to partake in back and forth conversation and attend event independently.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Recreation Fee: $45
Samantha L. Maietta, LMSW
ASPIRE Center "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747
Let's have some fun together while learning how to whip together a go-to meal and host a fabulous dinner event! This event is intended for young adults, ages 19-35, who are interested in learning how to make a simple, yet delicious dinner and dessert! We will be cooking Baked Ziti and Cupcakes, and then sitting down to enjoy the meal while learning about expected dinner etiquette.
*Participants should be able to partake in back and forth conversation and attend event independently.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Recreation Fee: $45
Samantha L. Maietta, LMSW
ASPIRE Center "The Garden"
2562 New York Avenue
Melville, NY 11747